Bella let Nace go out trick or treating because she knew that he was old enough to look after himself, and she could not go with him because she was to busy looking after the twins.
Nace got alot of sweets and ate most of them before he got home because he knew that he would have to share them.
Nace found a big puddle and he knew his mum could not tell him off, so he started to have some fun by jumping in the water.
This is the most fun Nace has had since the twins where born.
He had all the freedom that he has always wanted.
At home Bella was teaching her mini mee Nada all the skills she would need for when she is older.
With Nace out she house she could spend some much needed one on one time with Nada.
Nadia was even more like Bella, it was like looking into a mirror.
Nadia reminded Bella of her as a child so she spent some extra time with her, she knew she should not do it but she can't help it.
Time does fly, a could of weeks later it was Nadia and Nada's birthday.
They might be twins but they are so very different.
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